
Korea TESOL Journal 14-1 Online Now

The Korea TESOL Journal (Volume 14, Number 1) is now available online for reading and downloading by our KOTESOL membership ㅡ teeming with interesting research on ELT related to the Korean context. Language identity, learner autonomy, culture learning, metacognition, linguistic imperialism, and more intriguing topics ㅡ eleven papers in all, and a pair of book reviews. View the table of contents and/or download your copy: HERE. (Remember to log in first.)

View all issues of the Korea TESOL Journal: HERE.

Print versions (hardcopies) of this volume will be available to members...

By Webeditor Publications on October 17, 2018 - 2:21pm | 0 Comments | Korea TESOL Journal |Read more

KOTESOL Proceedings 2017 Now Available Online

KOTESOL Proceedings 2017 is now available online to KOTESOL members. This is a volume of papers submitted by presenters at the 2017 Korea TESOL International Conference held in Seoul. The volume contains contributions by our conference plenary and featured speakers as well as research reports, techniques and activities reports, workshop reports, and panel discussion reports ㅡ 40 papers altogether, nearly 400 pages. This is our largest volume to date, and hopefully you will find within its pages much information of relevance to your research and your work situation.

The link is https...

By Webeditor Publications on October 17, 2018 - 1:46pm | 0 Comments | KOTESOL Proceedings |Read more

2018-19 KOTESOL Election Results

The results of the 2018 Korea TESOL national elections as announced at the annual business meeting following the close of the conference on October 14 are as follows:

ㅡ Dr. David Shaffer

First Vice-President
ㅡ James "Jake" Kimball

Second Vice-President
ㅡ Michael Peacock

ㅡ Martin Todd

ㅡ John Simmons

International Conference Committee Co-chair
ㅡ Michael Free

Nominations and Elections Committee Chair
ㅡ Maria Lisak

Terms of office are for one year. However, after one...

By Webeditor President on October 17, 2018 - 12:28pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Food Options at International Conference 2018

Since the weekend is short and your time is valuable, here are some options to consider during those times you are standing in line or waiting for those sessions to get started. There is also a map found in your Program Book around pages 41 or 43. The QR code above can be used to get to an Interactive Map. (Save it and then use a QR code reader)

A special thanks to Gemma from "A Fat Girls Food Guide to Eating in Seoul" Please check out  her specific entry for our conference on her website-blog and YouTube Channel. This is a great starting place if you are planning on checking out...

By Webeditor International Conference on October 11, 2018 - 8:19pm | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

Strong Turnout Expected at International Conference 2018

The Korea TESOL International Conference is this weekend!

The pre-registration numbers have come in, and they have exceeded the committee's expectations.  We now expect to see an increase in the on-site registration as well, making the 2018 conference one of the largest in recent years.  

As seating is limited in the plenary hall, attendees will also be able to watch live-feed of the plenary sessions from one of two overflow rooms.  

Thank you for your understanding, and for making this year's conference one to remember.

Plenary Speakers Stephen Krashen! Scott...
By Webeditor International Conference on October 11, 2018 - 11:57am | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

KOTESOL News 2018 International Conference Edition Sent!

What's happening at the 2018 KOTESOL International Conference? This month's issue of KOTESOL News, sent on October 6, 2018, to nearly 2,000 subscribers, has the low-down! Learn about contests, apps, social events, open hours, and more here. 

By Webeditor Membership on October 6, 2018 - 6:23pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Teachers Helping Teachers with Conference Set-up

Korea TESOL is teachers helping teachers.  The International Conference Committee is looking for teachers to help teachers (and some student volunteers) on Friday evening as we prepare for the 26th annual Korea TESOL International Conference. Volunteers will help us move desks to make space for poster presentations and our vendor display areas. They will also help unload the equipment trucks and get set up for Saturday morning. Volunteers will get a small peek at the hard work that goes into setting up the conference. They will also get a feel for the conference venue and have the...

By Webeditor International Conference on October 5, 2018 - 10:52pm | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

Do You Whova?

Make the most of your International Conference experience with the Whova conference app.  The app will allow you to scroll through the conference agenda, read session abstracts so that you can plan your weekend.  The app also provides additional networking opportunities, and a chance to enter the conference photo contest.  

In the app, you will receive important conference announcements and have the opportunity to ask the questions to conference organizers.

If you pre-registered, you should have received an email with the app download and login instructions.  If you are...

By Webeditor International Conference on October 5, 2018 - 1:54pm | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

Will this be your first Korea TESOL International Conference experience?

Will the 2018 Korea TESOL International Conference be your first?  If so, consider attending the conference orientation session, Saturday at 10am in room 301.  Conference veterans developed the orientation session to give newcomers an overview of what they can expect and tips for making the most of their conference experience.  Attendees will be given an overview of the venue, introduced to key KOTESOL national council members, and they will learn how to best navigate the program book and the conference app.  

There will be time set aside for networking during the session and...

By Webeditor International Conference on September 27, 2018 - 2:51pm | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

Online Ballot Invitations Sent

Online ballot invitations were sent via SurveyMonkey to all eligible current voters in KOTESOL.
The "send" address is but please also check your spam filters.

Email invitations were sent to your currently registered email address, as listed within your online profile at

If you have previously opted out of SurveyMonkey, then your ballot invitation was NOT sent. You can reverse that (opt in again) at (be sure to opt in with the same email address that is listed in the

By Webeditor Elections on September 26, 2018 - 12:46pm | 0 Comments | Nominations & Elections Committee |Read more

Wishing You a "Happy Chuseok"

Happy Chuseok / 추석 / 秋夕!

Coming upon us is one of the biggest and most traditional of Korean holidays, a family holiday for centuries. I hope that this Chuseok is an enjoyable and meaningful one for everyone in our KOTESOL family. Some of you will be heading to ancestral “hometowns” in the countryside; others will be headed to the family head’s home in the big city; still others will be taking family trips in and outside of Korea. Safe journeys to all of you.

Chuseok is traditionally a time to lift one's head toward the largest full moon of the autumn sky and pray for a...

By Webeditor President on September 22, 2018 - 1:12am | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Membership Perk: Discount on the Dark Side of Seoul Ghost Walk

Do you enjoy tales of the macabre, bizarre, or paranormal? Would you like to explore the streets and back alleys surrounding some of Seoul's most historic areas on foot, with an experienced guide? Would you enjoy learning more about the dark side of Seoul's past? If so, this perk is perfect for you! Now through December 31, 2018, KOTESOL members can get 10% off The Dark Side of Seoul Ghost Walk. Just email us to receive the discount code!

By Webeditor Membership on September 16, 2018 - 3:13pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

TEC - The Autumn 2018 Issue Now Online

Start off the new semester with some new ELT reading material from the Autumn 2018 issue of The English Connection ㅡ the International Conference Issue. You'll want to read the interview with Scott Thornbury (IC plenary speaker) and the "compelling content" by Stephen Krashen (also IC plenary speaker). Additional content from several of our featured speakers, too!

You can start reading the Autumn TEC now.


By Webeditor Publications on September 6, 2018 - 1:36am | 0 Comments | The English Connection (TEC) |Read more

September 2018 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

The September 2018 issue of KOTESOL News, our email newsletter, was sent to 1,998 subscribers on September 1, 2018. Highlights include information about pre-registering for the upcoming 2018 KOTESOL International Conference, a call for proposals for the Yongin Chapter Conference in November, a grant opportunity, and a discount for KOTESOL members interested in attending JALT 2018. Read, share, or subscribe here.

By Webeditor Membership on September 1, 2018 - 6:42am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

National Council Business “Meeting”

As an economizing measure, the National Council has decided not to schedule a face-to-face Council meeting this autumn. A number of items of business have arisen that need to be acted on before international conference time, the end of this term. As provided by the Bylaws, these are being handled electronically, and as are all Council meetings, this process is open to KOTESOL members. If you are a KOTESOL member and are interested in the motions to be considered, log in to your account and go to this URL.

August 31, 2018
David E. Shaffer
KOTESOL President

By Webeditor President on August 31, 2018 - 2:45pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

Pre-register for the Korea TESOL International Conference

There are only a few weeks left to save money by pre-registering for the 2018 Korea TESOL International Conference. Hosted by Sookmyung Women’s University, the Korea TESOL International Conference, Oct. 13-14, 2018, attracts scholars, educators, and teachers from around the world.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Focus on Fluency.” The conference chair Kathleen Kelley hopes that she and other teachers will leave the event with a better understanding of how they can promote English language fluency in their classrooms.  

The conference will feature an impressive line-up...

By Webeditor International Conference on August 27, 2018 - 4:37pm | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

August 2018 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

Registration, grants, and discounts, oh my! Check out the August 2018 issue of KOTESOL News for a plethora of upcoming opportunities and helpful information. Share it with a friend or colleague! This issue was sent on August 1, 2018, to 1,996 subscribers.

By Lindsay Herron on August 2, 2018 - 12:41pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Membership Discount on Pre-registration Fees for JALT2018

Our friends at JALT have shared a special offer for KOTESOL members: a discount on pre-registration fees for JALT2018! JALT's 44th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition will be held November 23-26, 2018, in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka, Japan.

3-Day (Full) Conference Pass Discounted Rates for KOTESOL Members:
Early-Bird Registration (available through October 23): 21,000 yen (normally 25,000 yen for JALT non-members)
Regular Pre-Registration (available through November 19): 25,000 yen (normally 28,000 yen for...

By Webeditor Membership on July 23, 2018 - 8:28pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Korea TESOL Mid-Year Update

Interested in what KOTESOL has been doing lately and in what KOTESOL has to offer? The editors of TESOL Affiliate News recently asked me for an affiliate report for their publication. Below is the article submitted, to appear in their second issue this year of Affiliate News. It serves as a brief mid-year update of what KOTESOL has been doing.


Korea TESOL (KOTESOL / Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is on the go, providing teacher development events throughout the nation and expanding our international cooperation.


By Webeditor President on July 22, 2018 - 1:52am | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

President's Message -- June

President's Message

By KOTESOL President, Dr. David E. Shaffer

Spring is in full swing across the nation, bringing with it its typical brightness, warmth, and liveliness. The same can be equally said of Korea TESOL. Chapters have held conferences in the north, the southeast, and the southwest. Chapters everywhere are holding meetings and workshops. And one chapter has been the primary force behind this year’s National Conference. KOTESOL chapters have been very much alive this spring, testimony that KOTESOL is very much alive and well. A rough count reveals that nearly 40 KOTESOL...

By Webeditor President on June 13, 2018 - 12:05am | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

June 2018 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

The June 2018 issue of our monthly email newsletter, KOTESOL News, is in inboxes now! It was sent on June 2 to 1,999 subscribers. Among the features are information about an international exchange opportunity for university students, a chance to present at our international conference, and the release of the Summer 2018 issue of The English Connection. Read, share, or subscribe here.

By Lindsay Herron on June 2, 2018 - 11:53am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

International Exchange Opportunity for University Students

Give your university students a special opportunity to learn more about intercultural relations and global leadership: endorse them to represent Korea at the 21st Asian Youth Forum (AYF 21), to be held in Kyoto, Japan, October 31-November 6.

What Is AYF?
For AYF 21, students aged 18-25 from all around Asia will gather in Kyoto for a week of academic seminars, sightseeing, and cross-cultural workshops. Additional information, including an overview of the schedule and prices, is available in the attached publicity flyer.

How Can Students Apply?
Students who are...

By Webeditor Membership on June 1, 2018 - 9:01pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Deadline Extended for the International Conference Call for Proposals

Did you miss the May 31st deadline for the Korea TESOL International Conference call for proposals?  Don't despair! The International Conference Committee has extended the deadline to Sunday, June 3rd.  

If you already sent in your proposal, congratulations you can relax.  If you haven't, but wanted to, you now have the weekend to submit. 

The International Conference will be held October 13-14, 2018 at Sookmyeong Women's University in Seoul.  The 2018 theme is Focus on Fluency.  

We welcome presentation proposals on all topics relevant to ELT.  However, we are...

By Webeditor International Conference on June 1, 2018 - 12:02am | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

TEC - The Summer 2018 Issue Now Online

Is storytelling a brainy idea? Is there actually a book that applies SLA to ELT? How young to teach EFL? Is ER for elementary school? What was TESOL 2018 like? What will KOTESOL 2018 be like? Does theme-based instruction make a lot of sense? Does reflective practice with an Asian focus? What are collaborative reflective practice cards? And who the heck is Rhea?

The asnswers to all these pressing questions are in the most recent issue of The English Connection ㅡ your Summer TEC.

Start your Summer ELT reading today.


By Webeditor Publications on May 31, 2018 - 11:41pm | 0 Comments | The English Connection (TEC) |Read more

The International Conference Call for Proposals Closing Soon

There is not much time left to submit a proposal for the International Conference.  The call for proposals closes on May 31st.  The International Conference will be held October 13-14, 2018, at Sookmyung Women's University Seoul.  

As a presenter at the International Conference, you would have the opportunity to share your knowledge and inspire others, and to schmooze with other presenters in the presenters' Lounge.  You would also receive a certificate to add to your portfolio, and you would have the option of being published in the extended Summaries and conference proceedings...

By Webeditor International Conference on May 17, 2018 - 10:12pm | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL International Conference |Read more

Members, We Need You! How to Volunteer

We are pleased to announce a new task force designed to facilitate the volunteer process! As an all-volunteer organization, KOTESOL thrives only because of its members' dedication. We always need members to help out with tasks of all shapes, sizes, and durations: from short-term one-time tasks, such as distributing KOTESOL pamphlets to your colleagues, to extended tasks, such as taking on leadership positions. Check out our new web page to learn more!

By Webeditor Membership on May 11, 2018 - 6:24pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

National Treasurer Position Opens

Position Filled.

Korea TESOL is looking for a member to serve a National Treasurer for the remainder of the present term. This person would ideally have some previous training and/or experience in financial affairs and have some understanding of the workings of KOTESOL.

The position begins July 1 and runs through October 14. (However, we would hope that this person could also run for election to a full one-year term in the October elections.

For more details or to apply (by MAY 26), please contact President David Shaffer.
Email:  //  ChosunU@...

By Webeditor President on May 11, 2018 - 4:12pm | 0 Comments | President's Corner |Read more

May 2018 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Now Out

The May 2018 issue of KOTESOL News, our monthly email newsletter, was sent on May 1, 2018, to 1,999 subscribers. Among the contents are details about the upcoming 2018 National Conference, an opening on the National Council, a new membership perk, and more! Read, share, or subscribe here.

By Webeditor Membership on May 1, 2018 - 9:05am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more

Need a hotel for National Conference?

If you are coming in to the National Conference area Friday evening, or want to stay in Yongin Saturday night (Everland Sunday?) you might want to take advantage of a great deal on a nice motel near the venue.

Great Discounts plus free breakfast.

See more!

By Webeditor National Conference on April 30, 2018 - 3:32pm | 0 Comments | 2018 KOTESOL National Conference |Read more

New Membership Perk for May 2018: 2 for 1 Online Courses

Throughout the month of May, KOTESOL members can get TWO online professional development courses for the price of one from Caprica Education! Courses are self-paced, so you can progress at your convenience, and they generally take 4-6 weeks to complete. Particularly of interest to KOTESOL members who need evidence of accumulated professional development time: all courses come with certificates of achievement that list the number of hours of study (along with your name, skills developed, and place of issue). Learn more here!

By Lindsay Herron on April 30, 2018 - 10:00am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more
