KOTESOL has a variety of partnerships
These include partnerships with fellow English Language Teacher Associations (ELTAs) within Korea (Domestic), beyond Korea (Global), and our Sponsors/Partners who invest marketing resources through KOTESOL.
More information on our English Language Teacher Associations is managed by our International Outreach Committee, available at http://koreatesol.org/ioc Find details on ELTA partnerships at http://koreatesol.org/content/partnerships
More information on becoming a marketing partner of Korea TESOL (e.g., booksellers, teacher professional development schools, etc.) is at http://koreatesol.org/sponsor-partners
Global ELT Partner Associations
- TESOL International, Inc. (based in the USA) http://www.tesol.org/
- IATEFL (based in the UK) http://www.iatefl.org/
- Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)* http://jalt.org/
- Thailand TESOL (ThaiTESOL)* http://thaitesol.org/
- English Teachers' Association of the Republic of China (ETA) (Taiwan)* http://www.eta.org.tw/
- Far Eastern English Language Teachers' Association (FEELTA) (Russia)* http://feelta.wl.dvfu.ru/
- The Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc. (PALT)* https://www.paltphilippines.com/
- Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) www.melta.org.my/
- The Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies (PAC)* http://www.pac-teach.org
- CamTESOL (series of conferences in Cambodia) http://www.camtesol.org/
- English Language Teachers' Association of India (ELTAI) http://eltai.in/
- The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN) http://www.teflin.org/
- English Language Teachers' Association of Mongolia (ELTAM)/Mongolia TESOL
- Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics (HAAL) http://www.haal.hk
- Macau Association for Applied Linguistics (MAAL)
- Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) https://www.belta-bd.org/
- AsiaTEFL** https://asiatefl.org/
* PAC organizations
** Not an official partner but an organization with whom we frequently have special arrangements
Domestic ELT Partner Associations
ALAK (Applied Linguistics Association of Korea / 한국응용언어학회)
KAFLA (Korea Association of Foreign Language Academies / 외국어교육협의회)
KAFLE (Korea Association of Foreign Language Education / 한국외국어교육학회)
KAMALL (Korea Association of Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning / 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회)
KASEE (Korea Association of Secondary English Education / 한국중등영어교육학회)
KATE (Korea Association of Teachers of English / 한국영어교육학회)
KEERA (Korea English Extensive Reading Association / 한국영어다독학회)
PKETA (Pan-Korea English Teachers Association / 팬코리어영어교육학회)
KOTESOL's Sponsors & Partners -- Educational and Commercial
- Cambridge University Press http://www.bmcambridge.co.kr
- Compass Publishing http://wjcompass.com
- e-future Co. Ltd. http://www.efuture-elt.com
- Express Publishing Korea http://expresspublishing.co.kr
- Foreign Language Ltd 외국어연수사 http://www.fll.co.kr/
- Macmillan Korea Publishers Limited http://www.macmillanenglish.com/YBM http://www.ybmbooks.com
- National Geographic Learning https://eltngl.com/
- SEED Learning http://www.seed-learning.kr/
- iTDi [International Teacher Development Institute] https://itdi.pro/
- Anaheim University https://anaheim.edu/schools-and-institutes/graduate-school-of-education
- Ecree (English Essay Assessment Tool) http://ecree.com
- Hanyang Univ TESOL http://tesol.hanyang.ac.kr
- Kagan Korea http://www.KaganKorea.com
- Macquarie University http://ling.mq.edu.au/
- SIT Graduate Institute http://graduate.sit.edu
- TESOL Asia /SITE https://www.tesol.asia/
- Texas A&M University-Commerce http://www.tamuc.edu/tesol
- Turnitin Korea http://www.turnitin.com/en_us/
- University of Birmingham https://canvas.bham.ac.uk/courses/11732
- University of Missouri https://online.missouri.edu/degrees-programs/mu/education/teaching-engli...
Other Useful Links (supporters of KOTESOL)
We Teach Korea is great resource for finding jobs and keeping up-to-date with all things TESOL in South Korea. http://www.weteachkorea.com/
Want to teach English at a university abroad? Quickly search over 35 countries for open uni positions now! http://www.profsabroad.com/