1. Plenary: Dr. Keith Folse

Dr. Keith Folse is an internationally renown scholar and lecturer. Perhaps best known for his many books on grammar, he is an Associate Professor of TESOL at the University of Central Florida, where his teaching and research interests include second language vocabulary acquisition and instruction; teacher training and best teaching practices; and second language research methods (among others).
Dr. Folse will be the Plenary Speaker at the KOTESOL 2013 National Conference at Korea National University of Education May 25th, and will lead a half-day workshop on Sunday...
2. Featured: Dr. Jeong-ryeol "Jay" Kim

Dr. Jeong-ryeol "Jay" Kim
Successful foreign language learning in the "smart era" starts from students in their self-directedness. Teachers are not the knowledge transmitter any more: no teacher can compete with Wikipedia in their knowledge base. Teachers have to be designers and facilitators in that these students are motivated to learn and engage in foreign language learning. Foreign language teachers are those who know how to organize the language input that compels students to engage. It's...
2. Featured: Dr. Ken Beatty

Dr. Ken Beatty
Webinar Abstract
Critical thinking is often seen as a skill that is distinct from language learning. But, within a Communicative Approach framework, a range of critical thinking tasks can be used as opportunities to enhance language learning. This presentation explores ways in which teachers can set up classroom conditions and develop tasks to promote critical thinking among secondary and post-secondary level learners. Drawing on examples from English for Academic Purposes, the presentation...
2. Featured: Dr. MaryAnn Christison

Dr. MaryAnn Christison
Webinar Abstract
In this workshop, teachers will be introduced to strategies for developing EFL lessons and curricula that promote learning language through content. This approach to L2 teaching in academic contexts is known as content and language integrated learning (CLIL) or content-based instruction (CBI). Four main theoretical principles for integrating language and content will be introduced – making content connections, managing demands on cognition, developing academic language...
2. Featured: Robert S. Murphy

Robert S. Murphy
Abstract for Invited Session
Plug & Play Neuroscientific Maxims for your Classroom!
In this dynamic and interactive session, Robert will discuss six of most practical maxims from his new chapter in Language Teaching Insights from Other Fields (TESOL Publications, 2014). Be prepared to do pair work and actively participate in this dynamic and highly informative session,...
Adams, Joshua

Joshua Adams
South Korea has long been known as a technological vanguard and innovative teachers in South Korea are quick to adapt to technology. Many English Language teachers in South Korea struggle to find a way to integrate the various types of technology they use in the classroom. Teachers often find themselves using one type of website as a class portal, another website for student blogs, and yet another for calculating student grades. This creates a virtual mess of papers on the teacher’s...
Alkema, Bryan

Bryan Alkema
Have you ever wondered why the words ‘don’t worry’ cause you to feel anxious, or why some people say that latest K-Pop singer is ‘cool’ and others say he is ‘hot’, or why your girlfriend says everything is ‘fine’ when she’s clearly very angry? Speech Act theory offers a solution to these intriguing questions and more!
SA theory is a subset of the pragmatics-based approach to linguistics which puts forward the idea that every spoken utterance can be analyzed in three ways: the literal meaning...
Bardasz, Suzanne

Suzanne Bardasz
Imagine being asked to build the tallest structure with 20 sticks of spaghetti, 1 piece of tape, 1 piece of string, and 1 marshmallow in 18 minutes. Not only that, but imagine doing this with a group of 3-4 other people while communicating in a different language. This is the task that the presenter had her science writing students carry out in order to understand the process of writing a methods section for a science paper. This activity came from a TED...
Callaghan, Peadar

Peadar Callaghan
Abstract for presentation
Students often have problems with moving from tightly scripted or scaffold answers to specific questions to a more free form conversation. They struggle with this due to the difficulties of holding vocabulary, grammar and semantics in processing memory at the same time. This linguistic load often leads to students suffering from the tip of the tongue phenomena and affective filter issues related to...
Chambers, Ross

Ross Chambers
The presentation will deliver the main findings of a research project conducted on the language that teachers use in the ESL classroom. The research was subsequently published in the TESOL Review (Volume 4 Dec 2012) under the title,’ How Communicative is our Teacher Talk?’ During this presentation, we will explore some of the common features of teacher talk that influence how communicative our classes actually are. We will look at how, as teachers, the language we use can either serve...
Davis, Mark D.

Mark D. Davis
As English teachers in Korea, we are often faced with the unique challenge to prepare both language skills and test-taking ability. A standardized test such as the TOEFL requires targeted instruction in how the test works, along with strategies for accomplishing specific tasks. The objective of this presentation is to help teachers create student confidence with predictable, easy to remember answer formats, so that more response time is focused on language skills. Developed over a year-plus of...
Dickey, Robert J.

Rob Dickey
Employers are increasingly demanding evidence of professional development from teachers when they make choices in hiring, retention, promotion, and pay-adjustments. Their assessments are increasingly criterion-referenced, and frequently teachers are not made aware of the criteria. The key, therefore, is to plan a multi-dimensional continuing professional development strategy, to record evidence of professional development, and to display your evidence in a clear and...
Graves, Danny

Danny Graves
The purpose of this presentation is to showcase a lesson plan that teaches learners how to identify and pronounce large numbers in English. This lesson has been developed to bridge the gap between the textbooks available in South Korea and student’s ability to use numbers in English. This lesson uses a Communicative Language Teaching approach to teach students: numbers in English from thousands through billions. The aim of this lesson is to teach students how to identify and use large numbers in...
Harris & Pak

Melissa Harris and Richard Pak
As technology increasingly becomes a more ubiquitous part of our lives, the potential implications for applying CALL in the classroom also increase. As Bax (2003) points out, systematically creating links between SLA theory and CALL practice will help to integrate technology in the classroom in such a way that will support normalisation. In this process, the major goal is to incorporate technology seamlessly and “invisibly” in the class, to the point where the use of such tools is a...
Harrison, Sarah

Language Learning Beliefs: A comparative study of Korean university students and native English teachers
A myriad of factors affect learners’ and teachers’ beliefs; consequently, everyone has their own “mini-theory” of foreign language learning (Hosenfeld, 1978). Interest in possible mismatches between learners’ and instructors’ beliefs about language learning can be traced back to Horwitz’s Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) (1983), revealing students and teachers hold wide-ranging and sometimes disparate views.
Learners’ success...
Hong, Juanita

Ms. Juanita Hong
Smartphones have now become a widespread phenomenon for people to connect and communicate, which can benefit language learning tremendously due to its convenient size and availability, especially in South Korea and with the use of the smartphone application, KakaoTalk. KakaoTalk is a free mobile messenger application that includes text, call, media sharing, URL links, and even voice messages. Although the students in South Korea have been studying English for several years and have intermediate proficiency levels,...
Im, Sunny

Sunny Im
This study focuses on how effective blogging activities are for middle school students to motivate for reading and writing in the sociocultural theory. This started from the gloomy reality that many teenage students avoid reading, which results in getting distracted easily in class, besides, much worse in English class. By using ‘Matilda’ and ‘blogging’, I intended to lead them to discover how fun English stories are through...
Jones, Michael

Michael Jones
Abstract #1 In Their Shoes - What It's Like to Be an L2 Learner
Many language teachers, especially those new to the profession, find that teaching beginners is one of the more challenging aspects of ELT. It becomes even more difficult when the teacher cannot speak the learners’ mother tongue and an L1 speaking co-teacher is available. “How can I teach them when they don’t even understand simple instructions!” is a common refrain heard from novice ELT...
Kimball, Jake
Jake Kimball
Have you got 10,000 hours to spare? That is a widely held estimate of how long it takes to reach elite status in a professional field. But all hours are not created equal. It requires deliberate practice: planning, concentration, collecting feedback, revision, self-reflection, etc. 10,000 hours, also referred to as the 10-year-rule, is a long journey. Many of those hours may be spent “punching the clock” after an adequate skill set is attained. How does one sustain the drive to innovate, to enhance one’s craft,...
Lee, Ju Seong

Ju Seong Lee
Recently, enormous effort and emphasis have been made regarding second language (L2) teacher education in Korea. As the living source of the target language, the in-service L2 English teachers are expected to play a vital role in creating a positive language learning environments (Lee, 2009). As the teacher is important, so is L2 teacher education. However, L2 teacher education in Korea has been neither effective nor practical for several reasons (Lee, 2009). This presentation examines...
Lorenzutti, Nico

Mr. Nico Lorenzutti
Although both its timeline for implementation and final format are matters of ongoing debate, without doubt the National English Ability Test (NEAT) or tests like it are fast becoming a new trend in English education in South Korea. More universities will use NEAT or comparable scores as a key criterion when selecting new students for the 2013 academic year, and as a result many public and private institutions are offering courses designed to help students master the...
Lumsden, Stafford

Stafford Lumsden
One of the most difficult things new teachers have to deal with is error correction. Deciding between interrupting accuracy focused tasks to offer correction and noting errors and addressing them after fluency focused tasks is a difficult balance to strike, especially for those teachers new to the profession or with little applied linguistics knowledge or experience.
While students may be receptive to recasting and explanation from teachers these can be inefficient in terms...
Maitland, Amanda

Professor Amanda Maitland
Abstract for "Hero" workshop
This workshop aims at applying soft toy theory at the level of “Middle and High School” although many of the underlying theory, themes and activities could also support adult literacy events. The workshop will add a socio-psychological goal to the other goals that underlie communicative language teaching. The aim is to present the...
Miles, Scott

Dr. Scott Miles
The explicit teaching of grammar has fairly widespread acceptance among second language scholars, but criticisms remain that gains made from explicit instruction decrease substantially (if not disappear) on delayed post-tests. In short, too much of what we teach is soon forgotten by the students, and this results in students having very little to show for grammar knowledge and usage even after years of explicit instruction. This presentation will report on two studies investigating the use of spaced repetition...
Overbeek, Leonie

Leonie Overbeek
For those who choose teaching as career, and especially those who choose English as a subject to teach, there seem to be a myriad of choices as to how to develop professionally.At least, as far as getting pieces of paper to certify said development.
In the TEFL/TESOL field there are many places offering a basic TEFL certification, many of them online. Some of these end up being, if not quite fly-by-night operations, whose certificates are scarcely worth the paper they are printed on, not very long-lived...
Park & Finnegan

Jenica Park and Ryan Finnegan
Since the mid 1980s, educators have championed the positive effects of group work on language acquisition (Chen & Hird, 2006). Furthermore, many TESOL professionals and researchers have investigated the factors that influence student interaction during group work, and therefore promote or hinder language learning (Sachs et al., 2003). We would like to use this framework to analyze the dynamics of classroom communities in a more holistic sense.
Instead of focusing on...
Reynolds, Eric

Dr. Eric Reynolds
No, gents (and ladies) this research special interest group (R-SIG) workshop will not help you to make that proposal! Instead, this workshop will help participants with little, lots, or no experience at all in making conference presentation proposals to write a better and more successful conference proposal. Specifically focusing on the KOTESOL International conference’s and the TESOL Convention’s call for proposals, which are due on May 31st and June 1st respectively, we will look at the various requirements for proposal...
Sandler & Mountain

Professor Jared Sandler and Professor Drew Mountain
During Gimcheon University’s annual Spring Festival in 2012, we created and deployed a location-based, EFL QR Code Quest for students, faculty, and community members. Our goal was to offer players a relevant and authentic way to engage with second language acquisition. Players used their smartphones to link to internet videos of EFL professors and Korean students giving spoken directions to the location of the next QR code station. Videos also featured speaking tasks that...
Shaffer, David E.

Dr. David E. Shaffer
Abstract for presentation #1
In recent decades, the teaching of English in Korea has matured from a short-term stint abroad for the native English speaker to extended periods of employment. The NEST today is less likely to be a BA-generalist and more likely to be a TESOL-certificate or MA-TESOL holder. As with their Korean counterpart, today’s NEST exhibits an increased desire for professional development but an uncertainty...