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Critical Thinking as a Path to Language Acquisition
Dr. Ken Beatty
Webinar Abstract
Critical thinking is often seen as a skill that is distinct from language learning. But, within a Communicative Approach framework, a range of critical thinking tasks can be used as opportunities to enhance language learning. This presentation explores ways in which teachers can set up classroom conditions and develop tasks to promote critical thinking among secondary and post-secondary level learners. Drawing on examples from English for Academic Purposes, the presentation focuses on how learners can be habituated into using critical thinking as part of their approach to language acquisition and how critical thinking processes and outcomes can be assessed in ways that do not undermine the creativity that critical thinking tasks seek to enrich.
Dr. Ken Beatty, TESOL Professor at Anaheim University, is author/co-author of more than 130 English as a Second Language textbooks used worldwide from the primary to tertiary levels, as well as books on Computer Assisted Language Learning. He has worked at universities in Canada, China, Hong Kong, the United Arab Emirates and the USA and given more than 200 teacher training presentations throughout Asia, the Middle East and North and South America.
This closed-circuit webcast is being provided by Anaheim University.