KOTESOL 2024 Publications Awards Announced

At the 2024 Korea TESOL International Conference, the 2024 Publications Awards were announced. The Publications Committee wishes to congratulate the following for their excellence in research and in writing.
Research Paper of the Year Award (Korea TESOL Journal)
Nicolas E. Caballero & Meghan Yu.
Using Self-Determination Theory to Examine Motivations of Korean EFL College Students Informed by Korean Studies.
Best Paper Award (KOTESOL Proceedings)
Yutaka Fujieda.
Analyzing the Felt Sense of Writing in English.
Article of the Year Award (The...
By Webeditor Publications on May 1, 2024 - 2:47am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreScribes Square Is Waiting for You

Scribes Square is waiting for you. This is the place where you can submit a short essay on any EFL topic, on any language teaching topic, actually on any topic that relates to the language teacher and the profession. Your piece does not need to be long; suggested length is 500-1,500 words.
Topics have ranged from edtech, reflective practice, and teacher burnout to career paths, APA style, and E2 visas. Today a new essay went up concerning KOTESOL's logo history. Give it a read.
Seriously consider writing your own piece for Scribes Square. "Oh, but I don't feel confident...
By Webeditor Publications on April 12, 2024 - 12:56am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreKOTESOL Podcasts

Have you wanted to listen to or re-listen to a KOTESOL podcast, but have had a hard time tracking it down? Or missed an important podcast altogether? Problem solved!
We have now created a KOTESOL Podcasts webpage where all of KOTESOL's podcasts have been archived. At present, the podcasts gathered on this page are by the Yongin-Gyeonggi and Daejeon-Chungcheong Chapters. The podcast page will be updated with new podcasts as they become available.
You can access the KOTESOL Podcasts webpage in the Publications section of the KOTESOL website at this URL:
KOTESOL Annual Awards Announced at IC2022

Announced at the opening ceremony of the 29th Korea TESOL International Conference by President Bryan Hale were the recipients of the following 2022 awards:
Reflective Language Teacher of the Year Award
-- Brian Raisbeck
Dr. Thomas Farrell, the founder of the award, describes Brian as "a true reflective practitioner and leader of the reflective practice movement in Korea for many years."
Korea TESOL Journal Research Paper of the Year Award
-- "An Initial Examination of Korean Secondary Students' Perceived Subject-Specific CLIL Efficacy" by Daniel M. Savage...
Research Paper of the Year Announced

The KOTESOL Publications Committee and the Korea TESOL Journal are happy to inform one and all that the recipient of the KOTESOL Research Paper of the Year Award was formally announced at the closing ceremony of the 28th Korea TESOL International Conference, which finished its ten-day run last evening (February 28).
The award-winning paper is
Decolonizing Higher Education: Practical Examples from International and Intercultural Educators in Korea.
which appeared in the Korea TESOL Journal, 16(1), and is co-authored by
Kevin Kester, Loughlin Sweeney, Cindy Chang...
By Webeditor Publications on March 1, 2021 - 4:34pm | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreKOTESOL Adopts Ethical Standards for Research and Publication

Korea TESOL now has a comprehensive set of ethical standards for the transmission of academic information. These ethical standards have been framed in a single document ㅡ Korea TESOL Ethical Standards for Research and Publication ㅡ and approved by the National Council in their May 24 meeting.
These Standards apply to persons submitting work to KOTESOL as well as to KOTESOL in the evaluation of that work. The Standards apply to all KOTESOL-related reports and presentations, both written and oral, delivered digitally or in person, from the Korea TESOL Journal to the KOTESOL...
By Webeditor Publications on May 29, 2020 - 6:44pm | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreResearch Paper of the Year Award Announced

This year’s Korea TESOL Research Paper of the Year Award was announced at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference in Seoul. The award recipient was announced by the Korea TESOL Journal Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Kara Mac Donald.
The award was presented to Michael D. Smith of Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, for his research paper “Centre–Periphery Agency Dynamics During Linguistic Imperialism: An Investigation of Korean Perspectives,” which appeared in issue 1 of volume 14 of the Korea TESOL Journal. Smith formerly taught at the Republic of Korea Naval...
By Webeditor Publications on October 29, 2019 - 2:15pm | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreWanted -- Copy Editors & Proofreaders

The English Connection (TEC), KOTESOL's ELT magazine, is currently looking for copy editors/proofreaders.
Copy-editing or proofreading experience, knowledge of the magazine, and familiarity with the workings of Google Docs would be a plus.
Contact TEC Editor-in-Chief Andrew White at
By Webeditor Publications on May 14, 2019 - 12:06am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read more"Research Paper of the Year" Awardee Announced

The awardee of the inaugural KOTESOL RESEARCH PAPER of the YEAR AWARD was announced at the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) following the Sunday session of the International Conference on October 14. This year's award went to Dr. Jin Ha Woo (우진하) for her research paper titled "Flow in Foreign Language Reading for Korean University Students," appearing in the Korea TESOL Journal, 13(2). Dr. Woo is a professor at Handong Global University in Pohang (Gyeongsangbuk-do). Congratulations to Dr. Woo.
This award is to be an annual event. The awardee is selected from among those authors whose...
By Webeditor Publications on October 31, 2018 - 8:16pm | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreUpdating Your KOTESOL Profile [Important]

Not Receiving Your TEC?
Are you a KOTESOL member but not receiving your member copy of TEC (The English Connection)?
The most likely reasons for this are all related to the mailing address in your online KOTESOL account profile (under the "Edit" tab):
— The address is your old address before you moved.
— The address contains errors in spelling or numbers.
— The address has information missing (e.g., postal code).
— The address is incorrectly formatted.
— The address in not the new Korean road-name format.
— Two or more of the above.
By Webeditor Publications on May 14, 2016 - 2:24am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreSummertime Readings!

Wherever you are this summer, KOTESOL has professional readings available for you from our website.
Korea TESOL Journal -
KOTESOL Proceedings -
The English Connection -
We have links to online ELT journals from abroad -
and to domestic (Korea) ELT journals online -
* Current KOTESOL members, when...
By Webeditor Publications on June 11, 2015 - 11:42am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreProfessional & Scholarly Readings - Updated!
Our links for professional & scholarly readings have been updated.
Keep abreast in the field with free online journals.
International journals at
Korea's journals at
By Webeditor Publications on February 7, 2015 - 9:12am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreKOTESOL Proceedings 2013 Hardcopy Requests

There are a limited number of hardcopies of KOTESOL Proceedings 2013 available for those members who prefer a hardcopy for their research and reading.
For a current member to obtain a hardcopy of KOTESOL Proceedings 2013, send name and complete postal mailing address (using the modern (street) addressing system for addresses in Korea) to
First-come, first-served, order should be received not later than March 31, 2015.
View the 2013 Proceedings online (members only) at
All previous...
By Webeditor Publications on December 15, 2014 - 10:24am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read morePublication Resources
Academic publication is increasingly becoming expected of university-based English language instructors in Korea.
KOTESOL can help!
Online Library:International Online Journals -
Korea's Domestic Journals online resources -
KOTESOL's own The English Connection (EFL magazine)
KOTESOL Proceedings, including the just-published 2013 volume, are available online.
June KOTESOL News dispatched

The June issue of the KOTESOL News email newsletter was sent this morning to 764 subscribers!
If you didn't receive it, you can view it here:
If you would like to subscribe to this mailing list, you can do so here:
By Webeditor Publications on June 12, 2014 - 11:04am | 0 Comments | Publications |Read moreKorea TESOL Journal Call for Papers

The Korea TESOL Journal is looking for submissions.
The next issue is scheduled to be released in September 2014. The deadline for submissions for this issue is May 31st.
Find the full call for papers at
By Webeditor Publications on January 26, 2014 - 2:50pm | 0 Comments | Publications |Read more