New Gyonggi-Yongin Chapter Officers

After elections for registered Yongin chapter members took place via through mainly Survey Monkey here are the results:

President: Robert Kim

First Vice-President: Martin Todd

Second Vice-President: Mario Podeschi

Treasurer: David Kim

Secretary: Karlene Blackburn

Student Representative: Ashly Minju

On behalf of the chapter, the officers will work very hard to assist our members and KOTESOL to provide outstanding professional development and networking for a whole range of English teachers who are:

native and nonnative.
seasoned and inexperienced.
prospective English tecahers in colleges. 
employed   in hagwons, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities.
seeking employment to teach English.

The chapter welcomes you for professional and personal development for your career as an English tecaher! The best is yet to come for the Gyonggi-Yongin Chapter!

Robert Kim,

Yongin Chapter President and Webeditor