The holiday season is particularly for the little ones. With this in mind, this Winter issue of The English Connection has been designated "The Young English Learners in Korea Edition." The six YL articles cover a wide range of YL topics: from songs and games to parents' perspectives and child-centered research. Consider this your first gift for the holiday season -- from The English Connection to you.
To read or download the Winter TEC articles, click/tap HERE.
(Available to members December 1. Remember to log in first.)
The Young English Learners in Korea Edition
In This Edition ...
4. Editorial
What Us Old Folk Can Learn From Young Language Learners
By Dr. Andrew White Editor-in-Chief, The English Connection
5. President’s Message
Reflections and Resolutions: Celebrating the New Year with KOTESOL!
By Lindsay Herron KOTESOL President
6. What Makes Young English Language Learners (YELLs) Different?: A Korean Perspective
By Michael Duddy
10. Promoting Child-Centered Research
By Yuko Goto Butler
12. Korean Parents’ Perspectives on NESTs and NNESTs
By SuSie Park
17. Using Music Most Effectively with Young Learners
By David Paul
20. Tracking English Achievement: The Influence of Private Tutoring in Korean Adolescents
By Jiseon Ryu and Byungmin Lee
23. Communicative ESL Games for Young Learners
26. Book Review
A Review of The Routledge Handbook of Materials Development for Language Teaching
Reviewed by Christopher Miller
28. The Development Connection
How and Why I've Stayed Teaching
By Bill Snyder
30. The Brain Connection
Preschool Teachers Can Save the World
By Dr. Curtis Kelley