Yongin KOTESOL December Event: Effective and Engaging Questioning Strategies ~ End-of-Year: 망년회? or 송년회?

Saturday, December 12, 2020 - 12:30 to 14:30
Online: Zoom
South Korea
Contact Email: 

12:30 - Welcome and Mingle; Share holiday menu and drink recipes

1:00 - Main Presentation / Workshop

2:00 - End-of-Year Review & Celebration, Thoughts on 2021 Planning

Effective and Engaging Questioning Strategies

In this 1-hour presentation on Questioning Strategies attendees will learn about the three most common forms of questioning used in the EFL classroom and participate in discussions on when and why they should be utilized for maximum student engagement and understanding. Additionally, attendees will learn about key benefits regarding wait time, eliciting, and scripting good questions. Throughout the lecture attendees will be encouraged to engage in practical exercises and discuss how they can apply these strategies to their own teaching.

Kristy Dolson – As a teacher trainer at the Jeollanamdo International Education Institute, Kristy’s main responsibility is instructing and inspiring Korean primary and secondary public school teachers. She focusses on Pronunciation Skills, to improve her trainees’ comprehensibility, and Microteaching, to improve their teaching skills and strategies. AT JIEI she also teaches workshops for other school personnel, middle and primary student camps, and is highly involved with the annual JLP Orientations and Renewal meetings.