The TESOL-MALL/KOTESOL DCC Online Summer Symposium!
There are 20 presenters and 5 symposium themes. All of the videos will be available July 01, but we will post different theme playlists every Wednesday.
July 1st - Theme 1 : Transforming Language
July 8th - Theme 2: Education Technology
July 15th - Theme 3: Humanist Perspectives
July 22 - Theme 4: Special Needs and Rethinking Education
July 29 - Theme 5: Teaching and Learning
Promo video: https://youtu.be/8qBPC_Kkm0g
The playlist includes the welcome to the symposium as well as the presentations:
0. Welcome to the summer symposium – David Kent / Mike Peacock
1. Information technology in language: A hermeneutic approach – Miranda Wu
2. Teaching in a time of social distancing: A new normal (challenges, considerations, and traits) – David Kent
3. A new era for English classes: Exploring the concept of social media and English communication skills – Daniel Bailey
The Stream 1 of 5 - Transforming Language playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist…
The presentations and abstracts on the TESOL-MALL English homepage: https://tesolmall.weebly.com/presentations-2020.html
The full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlis