What is Essential in Education? Empowering Educators and Leading Learners: Tools and Skills

Saturday, May 9, 2020 - 16:00 to 17:45
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What is Essential in Education? This conversation is of great importance these days. Join Yongin Chapter as we welcome guest "Googley Judy" Kim Jungeun to our May 9 online event.

This is a GOOGLE MEET session. Please get the app for your device or Chrome web-browser and then follow this link:


First a brief session on Diverse Approaches and Digital Citizenship: Being Internet Awesome 

We want to empower our colleagues in all eductional situations - from young learners to adults; public and private. We will begin to explore the many ways to approach instruction and assessment. Also, we will discuss Digital Citizenship along with the resources available to train your kids on matters like being: kind, safe, and responsible while being online. 

Second session Empowering Educators and Leading Learners

Digital tools are now an essential part of maximizing learning and unleashing the 21st century student's potential. We need to modify, or augment, our classes to equip student with the skills they need to be successful in a rapidly changing world.


#21stCenturySkills #4IR #4thIndustrialRevolution


We will also broadcast via a Facebook Live session. If you'd like the full experience - this is a GOOGLE MEET session. Please get the app for your device or Chrome web-browser and then follow this link: