KOTESOL Proceedings 1997

Publication Date: 
October 1, 1998

Proceedings of the 1997 Korea TESOL Conference,
October 3-5, 1997, Kyoung-ju, South Korea
Technology in Education: Communicating Beyond Traditional Networks

  • Approaches to Teaching Listening in the Language Classroom  (David Nunan)
  • Data-Driven Learning: Theory and Classroom Implementation  (Troy Blappert)
  • Godzilla Gets Virtual About Language Teaching (Larry Davies)
  • An Experience and some Ideas in Using Computers in the ESL Classroom  (Irina Gadolina)
  • Culture in the Classroom: Perceptions and Misperceptions  (Steve Garrigues)
  • Attitudes Toward Language Varieties: a survey of University students in Seoul  (Michael Gibb)
  • The POSTECH Live-In English Program: A Language Environment  (Gabrielle Goodwin and Laurie Baker)
  • Linking English Classes at two Different Universities  (Mitsuaki Hayase, Etsuo Kobayashi and Shinobu Nagashima)
  • Task-based Teaching in a Traditional Setting: Understanding the students  (Hyun Tae-duck and Andrew E. Finch)
  • Cultural Differences and Their Impact on the American Classroom  (David G. Kemp and Christopher C. Weiss)
  • Survey of Software Sources with Applications for the Computer-Assisted Language Lab  (Joyce T. Johnston)
  • Using Video Clips and Cartoons for Paragraph Writing  (David Kestenbaum)
  • Nose to the Grindstone: Task-Based Activities for Korean Junior High Schoolers  (Kim Sook Kyoung)
  • Application of the drama techniques in the English classroom  (Lee, Yong Hoon)
  • Managing Larger Classes; Problems, Solutions, Challenges, and Opportunities  (M. Katherine MacKinnon)
  • Pan-Asia Cultural Comparison Curriculum Proposal  (Jeanne E. Martinelli)
  • Student Design of an English Conversation Course  (Peter E. Nelson and Yoo Yoon-hee)
  • Internet Use in College English Classrooms  (Shin Gyonggu and Park Jihyon)
  • Alternative Role-playing Techniques in the KELP Classroom  (Steven M. Sigler and Gary J. Ockey)
  • Combining Reading with Writing Instruction: Using Dialogue Journals in EFL Reading Courses  (Minjong Song)
  • An ESL Teacher's Power Tools: Doing More with Less  (Richard St. John)
  • Providing Free or lost-Cost Internet Services for the EFL Class via the Macintosh OS  (John Thurman)
  • TOEFL 2000: Shaping the Future of Language Testing as ETS  (Julia To Dutka)
  • Content Based American Studies through Film  (Barbara Wright)
  • Take it from experience: A methods course for pre-service teacher-trainees  (Suzanne Yonesaka)
  • Internet Based Classroom Activities  (Unju Pak Blappert)
  • Pan-Asian Voices: The Classroom Today Colloquium  (Jane Hoelker, Ubon Sanpatchayapong, Kim Jeong-ryeol, and Kip Cates)
  • Bafa Bafa: A Cross-Culture Simulation  (Jeanne E. Martinelli and Phillip O'Neill)
  • Student Centered Learning in Asia  (Peter Nelson, Na-eun Hwang, Merton Bland, and Andrew Todd)
  • How to Use Movie Technology in a Non-technological Way  (Ted Nickelsburg)
  • A Workshop in Reading and Writing  (William Snyder and Barbara Wright)