Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 13, Number 2
Table of Contents
Research Papers
3 ㅡ Josiah Gabriel Hunt
The Transformation of Instruction: A Critical Analysis of Trends in English
Education in 21st Century Korea
25 ㅡ Kent Lee
A “the” or the “a”? L2 Learner Problems and Patterns
49 ㅡ Mark James
Investigating the Influence of Communication Practice on South Korean Secondary School English Students’Self-Efficacy
65 ㅡ Mikyoung Lee
Teachers’ Emotions, Self-Efficacy, English Proficiency, and Pedagogical Strategies
91 ㅡ Michael Long
A Task-Based Model for the Development of Second Language Writing Skills for Korean University Freshmen
109 ㅡ Annalise Mackintosh
Incorporating Smartphones in a Korean University-Level EFL Writing Class
131 ㅡ Naheen Madarbakus-Ring
TED Talks: A Pedagogical Listening Framework
161 ㅡ Christopher Redmond
An Evaluation of the Extensive Reading Website ReadOasis
189 ㅡ Benjamin Bertrand
A Conversation Analysis of Codeswitching Among Multilingual EFL Students
211 ㅡ Saw Thanda Swe
The Required Levels of English Proficiency for Non-native EFL Teachers: Voices from Experienced NS and NNS Teachers”
233 ㅡ Jin Ha Woo
Flow in Foreign Language Reading for Korean University Students