Use of the Library for Promoting Students’ Language Learning

Mani Ram Sharma (Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Nepal)
Prakash Gurung (Ramnath Multiple Campus, Nepal)



Library practices in schools exert significant influence on students’ learning attitudes and behavior. In this session, we explore the existing situation of library practices in community and institutional schools in Nepal, specifically, how the schools make use of the library for the promotion of students’ language studies (i.e., English learning). We collected data from fieldnotes and the lived experiences of eight participants: one teacher and one student from each of four schools, two institutional and two community. We found that the teachers in community schools occasionally visited the library and rarely encouraged their students to benefit from the library. However, we found some students borrowed books from the library. As students in institutional schools have a library period once a week, those students enjoyed reading books or doing things in the library. Overall, we found library practices in Nepal lacked adequate proficiency in management, administration, and provision of language study materials, and ultimately have not motivated students’ hearty participation.

Research Paper (Video; 25 minutes)


Primarily of interest to teachers of university students

About the Presenters

Mani Ram Sharma is a faculty member in the English Education Department at Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, TU. He received his MPhil in ELE from KU. He is a lifetime member of NELTA, a global member of TESOL (USA), and a member of ISTAR (Thailand).

Prakash Gurung is an English teacher and member of NELTA.