Project Books: Powerful Tools for Keeping Knowledge

Julie Ocden Banaue (Lac Hong Bilingual School, Vietnam)
Abhishek Rajamanickam (Lac Hong Bilingual School, Vietnam)



Project books enormously increase students' interest in working with foreign language and facts--and more. They are a wonderful way of attracting your students to new forms of work with information, facts, knowledge, and manual skills. With a project book, all the knowledge is stored in a meaningful and appealing format. In this workshop, we will learn how to make these little minibooks with our own hands. Join this wonderful workshop to gain ideas and strategies to make a perfect project book in your own classes.

Workshop (In person; 50 minutes)

Creativity / Critical Thinking / 4Cs

Primarily of interest to teachers of secondary school students

About the Presenters

Julie Ocden, based in Vietnam, has been a dedicated English language educator at Lac Hong Bilingual School for 10 years. With extensive experience teaching ESL learners, Julie is committed to fostering a love for English through innovative and engaging methods. She holds a master's in education and contributes actively to educational audits and improvements. Contact:

Abhishek Rajamanickam, based in Vietnam, is an educator at Lac Hong Bilingual School specializing in English language programs for young learners. Holding a master's in TESOL, Abhishek focuses on creating engaging learning experiences for preschoolers. They are actively involved in educational audits and program improvements. Contact: