Bio's - Speakers
Cheryl Woelk

You may have seen/listened to her:
Seoul's Chapter - Learning English By Building Conflict Resolution Skills Yongin's Podcast Ep #6 - Engaging in conflict ResolutionDr. David A. Tizzard

You may have seen/listened to him
Podcast: Korea Deconstructed Author of the column "Korea: deConstructed" in The Korea TimesDr. Maria Teresa Martinez Garcia

You might have seen/listened to her at:
Yongin 2022 - Demystifying the Role of Bilingualism Yongin's Podcast Episode 38 and 39 National Conference 2020 - Translanguaging Strategies for Teaching a Foreign Language ClassroomJosé Domingo Cruz

José Domingo Cruz, the creator of Verbal Classrooms, has given numerous presentations and keynotes for various conferences and events. He works on several English study projects, including his main venture, “GOLDFish365”. Cruz is the author of, “Teaching with ZOOM 2” Published by Wayzgoose Press. He helped create the protocols for and led the team of volunteer Room Hosts that guided the presentations for the pioneering online conferences for PANSig and the JALT National conferences of 2020. Cruz is a leading member of Online Teaching Japan, a Facebook discussion group on...