* Plenary: Jack C. Richards

1:00 Onnuri Hall
Seven Myths in Language Teaching**(Updated topic)**
Language teaching has often been a melting pot for a variety of assumptions and beliefs about what language is and how it can best be learned and taught. Some of these assumptions are based on folklore, and others reflect discarded theories and viewpoints about language teaching and learning. While some of the ideas we encounter in the language teaching market may be relatively harmless, others can have a negative impact on approaches both to language teaching as well as to the professional...
Ali Safavi
Highlighted • Room 101 • 10:00
Teaching EFL through Korean CultureCross-cultural / intercultural communication • Young learners
Background knowledge of a given topic is one of the most important factors for young (and sometimes older) learners. In order to decode a given text, the reader must apply a combination of bottom-up and top-down processes such as word identification and phonetics but also they must bring their own background knowledge and ideas of the world to the text. Yet often in EFL education in Korea students are presented with culturally American centric texts...
Angela (Anjee) DiSanto

Motivation • Room 107 • 16:00
Teaching Writing with Anything But!Learner motivation / creativity
Compared to teaching conversation or listening, writing can be a bit of challenge when it comes to livening up the lessons – especially for newer teachers. Sample texts are tedious. Pen-to-paper writing tasks are necessary, but cumbersome. How can we spark motivation, capture minds, and allow for a sense of fun? In reality, options abound all around us. Drawing on more than 12 years of EFL writing class experience, this presentation encourages the teaching of writing using...
Angela Jeannette

Technology • Room 201 • 10:00
Ups and downs - Tracking student motivation though motivational panelsLearner motivation / creativity • Data collection
Target group: teachers with adult learners
Understanding what motivates and demotivates learners is an important part of teachers’ responsibilities. One way of achieving this is using questionnaires according to “retrospective panel design”, a method developed for investigating patterns and reasons of motivational changes at different points in time among learners.
After discussing the basic layout as well as...
Bethany Martens

Technology • Room 201 • 11:00
iPad pro Implementation for L2 instructionTechnology
In this presentation, I will discuss ways in which I have theorized the implementation of an iPad toolkit to better support learners in my “Academic Writing in English as a Second Language” class. Drawing upon the ecological perspectives of linguistic holism, I have designed L2 writing goals and lessons from a Content Based Instruction (CBI) conceptual framework. This presentation will follow my technology implementation journey, including first steps of implementation, adaptations to...
Bryan Hale

Motivation • Room 107 • 11:00
Using Board Games for Conversation PracticeLearner motivation / creativity
Board games can be valuable resources to support conversation practice in many settings including public schools, after school programs, English centers, universities, hagwons, community-focused programs, and language clubs. But some promising-looking games don’t actually motivate much language use, and board games can be expensive. In this session we will explore reasons why some games fall flat, some offer diminishing returns of usefulness, and some seem to almost...
David Cedric Bennette

Research • Room 203 • 16:25
A root analytic approach to academic word listsDeveloping Student Skills (Vocab, Grammar, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) • Academic Word Lists
Inspired by research in corpus linguistics and the analysis of English academic discourse, both spoken and written, there has been a notable growth in the use of academic word lists in the field of English for academic purposes. These lists generally purport to group together the most commonly occurring words for understanding academic English, so are often deemed essential for university...
David Devora

Motivation • Room 107 • 10:00
Using Personal Relationships to Motivate English LearningLearner motivation / creativity
This workshop will examine my educational philosophy of relational teaching as it relates to motivating students through personal relationships, group games, and interpersonal activities in the EFL classroom. Students are motivated by many factors such as curriculum, organization of class, and management. However, this workshop will analyze other non-academic motivation factors including teacher personality, character, and temperament. My “iceberg” theory...
Diane Santos

Highlighted • Room 101 • 15:00
To See Each Piece of the MosaicCross-cultural / intercultural communication
With rates of international marriages in South Korea trending upward, we are seeing an increase in the student population of mixed heritage children. How has South Korea’s traditionally homogeneous society been responding to such changes in its cultural fabric? As stakeholders in education, we have the perfect opportunity to model inclusivity and to begin a positive dialogue about diversity. This interactive workshop will provide a space for brainstorming answers to the...
Ehean Kim

Technology • Room 201 • 14:00
Brave New World: English Class with TechnologyTechnology
This presentation aims to share the ideas of combining technology with English classes to make them more attractive and authentic to language learners. The necessity of using technology is because of the following reasons. First of all, the main problem of FL setting is language learners do not have enough input out of their English classes. Second, the new generation cannot stand traditional English instruction as in the grammar-translation method so that the new trend of language...
Emmy Min

Skills • Room 202 • 14:00
Giving Feedback to Students' WritingDeveloping Student Skills (Vocab, Grammar, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)
In this proposed workshop, the presenter will facilitate an activity around giving feedback to students' writing. By interacting with audience, the presenter will show examples of students' writing and discuss ways to give feedback. The presenter will also introduce different types of rubric and how to use rubrics as a guiding tool to give students feedback. The presenter will also work with audience to discuss ways to give...
Eric Duncan Reynolds + Benjamin Taylor

Technology • Room 201 • 10:25
Mobile tech and Gamification: Motiva(c)tion in Korean EFLTechnology • Gamification, motivation, & mobile applications
In this research presentation, we discuss the results of our studies into implementing Kahoot! in our university classes. Kahoot! is a popular mobile/computer application that turns simple quizzes into game show-like competitions. While both mobile technology in education and gamification are among the hottest topics in TESOL and education in general, In practical fact, multiple meta-analyses reveal that little of the...
Grace H. Wang

Onnuri • Onnuri Hall • 10:00
How to Do Action Research: A Guide for ELT Classroom TeachersProfessional Development
A notable trend in recent literature is the emerging evidence of the transformative power of teacher-led ELT research on the professional development of teachers, especially because of the context-specific nature of the research. Action research projects and other reflective practice forms of teacher inquiry that allow teachers to investigate their local teaching contexts offer better continuous professional development (CPD) than top-down, decontextualized CPD...
Grant Kimberlin

Research • Room 203 • 14:00
The Evil of Banality: Intersubjectivity and the TextThis presentation compares recent research on L2 collaborative meaning-making with research on the banality that makes up much of the available ELL course material to assert that the traditions of Critical Pedagogy and Critical Theory offer key insights into both learner and teacher motivation. It is the tension between positional and nonpositional advantages to education that stand as one of greatest and most enduring barriers to motivation on both ends of the classroom and this presentation forwards...
Hee-eun (Renee) Kim

Research • Room 203 • 15:00
Tag-Talk: “Who’s it?” “I’m it.”Technology
This study explores the process of the Learning-Oriented Assessment (LOA) model assisted by mobile in the classroom teaching IELTS speaking. It is aimed to investigate the characteristics of the mobile learning environment named ‘Tag-Talk’, which the teacher has devised and the impact that LOA tasks via Tag-Talk have on students’ learning performance, motivation and attitudes. A total of 49 students participated in speaking tasks after class by uploading their voice notes via Kakao platform for 12weeks....
Jack C. Richards

Onnuri • Onnuri Hall • 15:00
PRODUCT AND PROCESS IN COURSE EVALUATIONThere are two ways of thinking about course evaluation. One is the dominant approach in educational planning that considers evaluation as a set of activities to develop efficient and effective ways of achieving learning outcomes. The rigor with which course development is carried out – drawing on procedures that include needs analysis, planning learning outcomes, designing a course and syllabus framework, and using effective methods of teaching and learning – will determine the success of the outcomes. Curriculum...
James Kimball

Onnuri • Onnuri Hall • 11:00
Motivating Young Learners Through Effective Classroom ManagementYoung Learners • Classroom Management SIG
Young Learners need to be emotionally invested in classroom activities to succeed. Unfortunately, YLs can be easily distracted or bored. There are a host of reasons why it is difficult to sustain YLs’ motivation: activity type, lesson sequencing, language content, time-on-task, the teacher's role, classmates, home life, diet, sleep, etc. The list is endless. It should come as no surprise that creating and sustaining positive learning...
Jared McKee

Motivation • Room 107 • 15:00
Motivating Students to Read: Interactive Activities to Increase EngagementLearner motivation / creativity
Reading is a skill that many students are struggling with everywhere, across the world. Combine that with second language learning in English, it can be a challenge to motivate students to read. In this interactive presentation and workshop, I will talk about my strategies for getting students to be interested and active in their learning English through engaging activities and lessons that are fun and meaningful. Activities include close...
Jessica Magnusson

Technology • Room 201 • 16:00
Creating Administrative Systems with QR Codes and Google Drive ToolsTechnology • Hagwon administration & management
Teachers and administrators often find themselves bogged down with repetitive tasks such as tracking attendance, grading student homework and quizzes, writing report cards and contacting students and parents. Doing some or all of these regular tasks manually can be very time-consuming, and can lead to exhaustion. In addition, teachers and administrators often look towards costly software or learning management systems to find...
Ji-young Suh

Poster • Hallway • All day
Developing an integrated ESP Material for Cabin CrewAir transportation has become a necessary part of globalization and the role of flight attendants as well as their communication competence has become vital factors in the success of the aviation business. This presentation looks at Content-Based Instruction (CBI) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Course materials which the presenter designed specifically for cabin crew. The purpose of this course material project was to develop learner-centered ESP materials that integrate CBI and situational language...
Joseph Tomei

Research • Room 203 • 16:00
Construal in Language LearningCross-cultural / intercultural communication
This presentation discusses ongoing research into the process of construal by L2 language learners. Construal is, simply explained, when speakers take a particular point of view in their descriptions and raising learner awareness of the differences in construals between their L1 and L2 has proven effective in English classrooms in Japan. After presenting an introduction to construal, the presentation will discuss the interviews, which follow the Louvain International...
Ju-yeon Kim

Poster • Hallway • All day
The relationship between reading motivation and comprehension for EFL studentsLearner motivation / creativity
The purpose of the study was to examine direct and indirect relations between reading motivation and second-language (L2; i.e., English) reading comprehension through the related mediator: metacognitive reading strategy among sixth-grade Korean students (N = 173) learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Finding shows that the direct relation of motivation with L2 reading comprehension was not significant. However, the indirect effect...
Julian Warmington

Highlighted • Room 101 • 11:00
The Climate Change Vocab. List: The fun-time A-to-Z for global warming EFLInterdisciplinary Language Learning • Survival / The Environment and Social Justice
The easy A-to-Z our students and we need to start to deal with climate change. A companion project to the C3: the Climate Change Curriculum, another crowd sourced development to mobilize professional action on learning and teaching “adaptation” and “mitigation” of the “industrial greenhouse effect” and related issues. Being a workshop, the list will be introduced, and time will be kept for...
Katrina Sten + Jeffrey Baldwin

Onnuri • Onnuri Hall • 16:00
Hagwon Exposé: Where Student Motivation Equals PaychecksPrivate Education, Education as a Business
When we think about the private English teaching experience in Korea our first thoughts are often negative. Yet, there are over 70,000 hagwons in Korea. Each year, parents spend millions of won and students spend hundreds of hours on supplemental education, and hagwon teachers are heavily invested in student success; it is critical to the proliferation of their careers.
In this workshop, a current hagwon owner and former hagwon instructor...
Kylie Genter

Motivation • Room 107 • 14:00
Improv Comedy as a Tool for English Language LearningLearner motivation / creativity
This workshop will present teachers with a basic knowledge of improv comedy rules and games modified for an ESL classroom. First, teachers will learn some basic improv/theater warm up games followed by a brief overview of the rules of improv and how they align with common ESL classroom goals. Following this brief introduction, teachers will jump right into various improv games starting with easy, basic games and gradually working towards more difficult games....
Luis Roberto Caballero Orozco

Mixed • Room 204 • 11:00
Using Critical Language Pedagogy in the EFL Classroom“101” Topics
Since the 1970 English translation of Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed, both it and subsequent texts on critical pedagogy have become ubiquitous in teacher education programs. Many linguists and educators have expanded on this framework to adopt it for the EFL classroom, dubbing it “critical language pedagogy (CLP).” Although research on CLP in Korean contexts is limited, Crookes (2010) demonstrated that Korean high school students welcomed opportunities to engage in critical,...
Mary Abura

Research • Room 203 • 11:00
Developing Learning AgilityLearning styles • Learning agility
Developing approaches to learning skills becomes more important than ever through the schooling process. Learners must be equipped with skills and strategies that allow them to be thinkers, communicators, risk-takers, inquirers, reflective, caring, open-minded, balanced, principled and knowledgeable. One way to improve learnability is to align the objective (learning target), skill indicator, and strategy. Most importantly, we also need to take an evidence-based approach to monitor...
Michael Free

Poster • Hallway • All day
KOTESOL’s International Conference 2020: The Early StagesOrganisational + Conference Planning
KOTESOL’s International Conference is a major undertaking, fueled by the volunteer efforts of the International Conference Committee. This poster session provides National Conference attendees a chance to take a peek inside IC 2020, and see how things are shaping up. The visual display will include how the conference committee is structured and operates, as well as some of the preliminary plans for the 2020 conference. The session will also be an...
Michael Rabbidge

Technology • Room 201 • 15:00
Innovation in the use of film in ELTTechnology
Commercial film and video have long aroused the interest of language educators, promising to motivate learners while providing language- and meaning-rich input. In practice, its use has mostly been disappointing. The first part of this workshop examines the strengths and limitations of the medium, arguing that effective practice is built upon a sound understanding of the stylized nature of film dialogue and how it differs from ordinary conversation.
Part two explores new directions in the use...
Mike Peacock

Mixed • Room 204 • 10:00
Meet the SIGs BreakfastSpecial Interest Groups
KOTESOL Special Interest Groups, or “SIGs”, are your way to connect with like-minded English instructors. Our KOTESOL SIGs have online communities on both our website and Facebook. Some have offline activities as well. This ‘Meet the SIGs Breakfast” will give you an opportunity to hear more about what each SIG has to offer and allows you the opportunity to ask facilitators any questions you may have. Breakfast and coffee/ tea will be available throughout the presentations.
Currently Active KOTESOL...