2020 DCC November Symposium

Saturday, November 21st, 2020
13:00 - 18:15
Online Via Zoom and Discord Register here By Webeditor Daejeon on October 27, 2020 - 1:42pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read more
2020 Daejeon-Chungcheong Chapter Election

Duties of each position can be found on pages 7-9 of or chapter's Governance Manual, found here. Are you interested in one of these... By Webeditor Daejeon on October 5, 2020 - 11:25am | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read more
Woosong TESOL MALL/ DCC KOTESOL Online Summer Symposium

The TESOL-MALL/KOTESOL DCC Online Summer Symposium!
There are 20 presenters and 5 symposium themes. All of the videos will be available July 01, but we will post different theme playlists every Wednesday.
July 1st - Theme 1 : Transforming Language
July 8th - Theme 2: Education Technology
July 15th - Theme 3: Humanist Perspectives
July 22 - Theme 4: Special Needs and Rethinking Education
July 29 - Theme 5: Teaching and Learning
Promo video:
The playlist includes the welcome to the symposium as well as...
By Webeditor Daejeon on June 23, 2020 - 4:20pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read moreDCC Virtual Workshop: Moving Forward Online With Young Learners

Workshop facilitator: Rhett Burton
Teachers of young learners face specific hurdles in transitioning their teaching online. To aid with this transition, the DCC chapter's next online workshop will feature the talents of Rhett Burton, who has extensive experience teaching at elementary level online in Korea. Please join this workshop to learn more about teaching online with young learners!
You will need to download the Zoom app to take part in the virtual workshop. You can do so here: . If you are interested in...
By Webeditor Daejeon on April 8, 2020 - 8:01pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read moreVirtual Workshop: Teaching Online in Style!

Many of us are having to make the transition to teaching online, and for many of us the change hasn't been easy. Thankfully, three KOTESOL members - Eric, Anjee, and Heidi - are going to help us to navigate the world of online teaching. The chapter will hold an online workshop this Saturday (4th April) from 1.30 - 3pm. This workshop will help attendees to use the Zoom app to facilitate online learning. There will be an introduction to using Zoom as a teacher as well as a primer on activities that can be done over Zoom. Special consideration will be given to using Zoom in various different...
By Webeditor Daejeon on April 3, 2020 - 11:12am | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read moreDC Chapter Year End Party

It's our Year End Party! We'll hold it in Ashley in Eunhaengdong (NewCore Department Store, 7th floor). All are welcome, but you must register as we'll reserve only enough seats for those that have registered. To register, please email We'll make the booking on the 11th, so make sure you confirm before then.
Address in Korean: 대전광역시 중구 은행선화동 3-14
Google Map:
We'll once again have a gift exchange- please bring a gift valued between W10,000 and W15,000.
After the gift exchange we'll go to...
By Webeditor Daejeon on November 17, 2019 - 2:24pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read moreDCC November Symposium & Thanksgiving Dinner: Registration Now Open

You can learn a lot from this event, as well as supporting other teachers!
Hope to see you there!
KOTESOL DCC November Symposium Committee
Event Page By Webeditor Daejeon on October 14, 2019 - 7:35pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read more
2019 DCC KOTESOL November Symposium Call for Papers

November 23 (Saturday), 2019 Woosong University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Would you like to present at this year's DCC November Symposium? Click the pdf below and submit your application!
By Webeditor Daejeon on July 1, 2019 - 7:11pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read moreDCC Summer Picnic

Daejeon-Chungcheong Summer Picnic
Satuday, June 15th, 2019
from 13:00-17:00
Hi everyone,
It's time for the 2019 Daejeon-Chungcheong KOTESOL Summer Picnic!
We'll have it at the barbecue areas on the riverside next to Expo Bridge (Hanbat Arboretum side) - the same place as last year. There'll be food, games, and hopefully plenty of sun! We'll have a potluck as usual, and anyone is welcome to attend - friends, family, and kids are all welcome - this is for everyone.
The chapter will provide some food (including hotdogs!) and drinks, games materials and...
By Webeditor Daejeon on May 31, 2019 - 8:24pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read moreThe 4th Industrial Revolution and Education Symposium

Digital Language Learning and Teaching
12:00-18:00 June 01, W16 5th Floor Woosong University West Campus
The fourth industrial revolution has seen the convergence of innovation and technology, led by AI (Artificial Intelligence), big data, and IoT (the Internet of Things), and it has restructured industry across all sectors including that of education. These changes have been disruptive, and have seen how our students interact with us as teachers change,...
By Webeditor Daejeon on April 28, 2019 - 8:52pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read moreDC Chapter Bus Trip to the National Conference

Saturday, May 25th
Leave Woosong University West Campus Front Gate at 7AM
Leave Jeonju University at 6PM
There is a big event coming up on May 25th - the KOTESOL National Conference. This year it's going to be even bigger than usual as the plenary speaker will be none other than Jack Richards (yes - THE Jack Richards)!
We've arranged for a bus to take us from Daejeon to the conference venue at Jeonju University. Please join us on the bus! The cost will be 10,000 won for members, and 15,000 for non-members.The bus will drop us off at the venue as well as take us...
By Webeditor Daejeon on April 28, 2019 - 8:42pm | 0 Comments | Daejeon-Chungcheong |Read more