Presenter's handouts, files, etc
Please be aware that presenters' handouts, visual displays, or other files are not shared through the website. You can contact the presenters' directly, most have included their contact info in the program book, available at
By Webeditor Conferences on October 10, 2014 - 11:01am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreDiscounted Car Parking at Conference
Discounted parking pass can be bought for 20,000won per day at parking management company, Global PMCO, on COEX 1st floor near Hall A.
More info:
By Webeditor Conferences on October 3, 2014 - 7:07am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreNew ! ! ! Conference Munchies
There are numerous meal options around COEX. We will continue to update our Eats & Drinks page as information becomes available. Be collegial, Tweet your discoveries with #KOTESOL and @OfficialKOTESOL (and we'll try to update the webpage too!).
By Webeditor Conferences on October 3, 2014 - 6:56am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read morePre-registration for the International Conference Has Closed

Thank you for pre-registering!
If you missed the cutoff you may register in person at the KOTESOL -KAFLE Conference.
October 3~5 at the Seoul COEX Confentioin Center Hall E (3 Floor)
Printer's glitch! You Win! Pre-registration for the 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference has been re-opened to SEPTEMBER 28th at 11:55.(Because the printers didn't deliver the name-tag materials on schedule, our registration team isn't able to start producing badges. Since they aren't working, we thought we'd give folks more time to get their...
By Webeditor Membership on September 26, 2014 - 1:01pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read morePre-Registration Is Extended Until Midnight Tonight!
Pre-Registration Is Extended Until Midnight Tonight!11:59 pm September 24, 2014
Pre-registration has been extended to allow allow those who missed the official closing to pre- register for the 2014 KOTESOL - KAFLE conference.
The deadline is 11:59 PM September 24, 2014
After that you may still register on site at the conference.
By John Phillips on September 24, 2014 - 2:52pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreConference Program Book
The Conference Book for the 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference is available for download in its entirety or in components from the conference front page. Abstracts. Biographical Statements. Extended Abstracts & Summaries. Plus download your own copy of the Poster!
By Webeditor Conferences on September 24, 2014 - 9:58am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read morePre-conference Workshops for IC 2014 Announced
Join the trail blazers!
The 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference is offering a series of, immersive hands-on workshops with some of the best minds in language learning. With places limited, don’t miss out on this experience! Choose from a day of workshops focused on Young Learners, Adult Learners or Professional Development for just 45,000W.
Friday 3rd October 10-6pm
Location: 3rd Floor, COEX (Exhibition Hall), Gangnam, Seoul (
Note: The Pre-Conference Workshops on Friday are ticketed separately from the Conference.
By Webeditor International Conference on August 20, 2014 - 6:07pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreSpeech Showdown 2014 International Conference
Speech ContestWhat student has inspired you the most?
First round video competition, second round takes place at the KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference.
Learn more:
By Webeditor Conferences on August 20, 2014 - 3:24pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreKAFLE Secures Ministry of Education Funding for IC2014
The KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference 2014 is delighted to announce that KAFLE has secured funding from the Korean Ministry of Education!
Pre-registration is now open at
By Webeditor International Conference on August 8, 2014 - 9:10pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreClosed -- was FINAL CALL -- International Conference Early Bird Pre-registration

Please visit the "regular" Conference Pre-registration pages at
Individual Pre-reg
Group Pre-reg
Got questions about conference registration? You might find the answers here:
KOTESOL members can get their International Conference (IC) passes at last year's rates by pre-registering this month! July 1-31, 2014, is IC Early Bird...
By Webeditor Conferences on July 24, 2014 - 8:28am | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreReminder: International Conference Early Bird Pre-registration Ends Soon!
KOTESOL members can get their International Conference (IC) passes at last year's rates by pre-registering this month! July 1-31, 2014, is IC Early Bird Pre-registration; for July ONLY, members can register for the conference for 40,000 won.
Regular pre-registration will be from August 1-September 23. During regular pre-registration, prices will be as follows:
Members: 50,000 won
Non-members: 75,000 won
Groups (5+ people): 65,000 won/person
Undergraduate students (with ID): 25,000 won
More information at:
By Webeditor International Conference on July 14, 2014 - 11:44pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreInternational Conference Early Bird Pre-registration Starts
KOTESOL members can get their International Conference (IC) passes at last year's rates by pre-registering this month! July 1-31, 2014, is IC Early Bird Pre-registration; for July ONLY, members can register for the conference for 40,000 won.
Regular pre-registration will be from August 1-September 23. During regular pre-registration, prices will be as follows:
Members: 50,000 won Non-members: 75,000 won Groups (5+ people): 65,000 won/person Undergraduate students (with ID): 25,000 wonMore information at:
By Webeditor International Conference on June 26, 2014 - 5:47pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreDeadline for 2014 IC Paper Submission
Please be aware that the deadline for paper submission for the 2014 international conference is May 30th.
This year's conference will feature four strands:
Young Learners Assessment and Evaluation Business English Professional DevelopmentAn overarching theme for the conference is embracing creativity. We are looking for presentations, panels, or other sessions that discuss and share new, creative, or unique experiences and observations regarding teaching English as a foreign language. Proposals that meet the criteria...
By Webeditor International Conference on May 28, 2014 - 3:52pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read moreCall for Papers for International Conference 2014 Now Open
The Call for Papers for the KOTESOL 2014 International Conference is now open.
Early-bird submissions receive a conference registration discount.
See more.
By Webeditor International Conference on April 6, 2014 - 11:57pm | 0 Comments | 2014 KOTESOL-KAFLE International Conference |Read more