Suwon chapter workshop

Saturday, November 3, 2012 - 14:00 to 16:00
University of Suwon, General Lacture Building Hwaseong
South Korea
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Suwon chapter is having a regular chapter workshop on Saturday the 3rd of November from 2pm.

The theme is: "The KOTESOL International Conference -- what we learned, and how we can apply it."

The KOTESOL International Conference is always a fantastic event at which we can learn many things and become inspired and motivated. But, it's impossible to see everything, and it's all too easy to forget what you heard, or simply to lose that feeling of motivation that you got from it. 

So, attendees at Suwon chapter's workshop are invited to discuss their thoughts and feelings on the conference (what they did or didn't like, how valuable it is to them), and to share the most inspiring things they learned and how they can use it in their classrooms.

Come along... consolidate what you learned, hear about the sessions you missed, and get ideas for how to apply it all.

For directions, check this Google map: