Starting your publications career with Action Research

Regular Chapter Meeting for September

Date:  Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 15:00 to 17:00
Location:  UCC Center: Downtown Daegu

Many teachers are looking for opportunities to prove their value to employers, along with improving their classroom teaching. Research is welcomed at many schools, but can be scary for those who haven't done much since their formal schooling. Classroom-based Action Research may provide the best of all worlds - reflecting on your students and classroom to improve performances all around, and demonstrating both your continuing professional development and commitment to scholarly advancement for your school.

This session will provide a quick overview of Action Research for classrooms, workshopping a framework teachers can trial for their settings, sharing a couple of examples, and inviting submissions to a forthcoming journal dedicated to teachers' classroom action research.

The session leader

Rob Dickey taught English in Korea for nearly 30 years, and is editor-in-chief for ELT Classroom Research Journal. He is a past president of KOTESOL and a past chair of the TESOL International Program Administration Interest Section.