Robert Dickey has submitted two proposals to amend the bylaws and consitution of KOTESOL, and has the support of the following members for these proposals: Peadar Callaghan, Nathan Rice, Tory Thorkelson, David Shaffer, Stafford Lumsden, Demetra Gates Choi and Steve Garrigues.
The proposed amendments read as follows:
Proposal to revise the amendment requirements for the KOTESOL Constituion: That the figure "three-fourths (3/4) majority" in Constitution article VIII (Amendments to this Constitution) be revised to "two-thirds (2/3) majority", this revision to go into effect 6 October 2014.
Proposal to revise the amendment requirements for the KOTESOL Bylaws: That the figure "two-thirds (2/3) majority" in Bylaws article X (Amendments) be revised to "three-fifths (3/5) majority", this revision to go into effect 6 October 2014.
These proposals will be open for discussion and a vote at the ABM on the 5th of October.