PAC : The Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies
Updated: November 3, 2021.
TESOL Intl Assn Events ㅡ IATEFL Events ㅡ International ELT Events ㅡ Domestic ELT Events ㅡ KOTESOL Events (Major) .
ㅡ 2021 ㅡ
May 2021
JALT PanSIG 2021
May 15-16, 2021; Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan (Hybrid)
Web: http://pansig.org/
June 2021
JALTCALL 2021: Remote Teaching and Beyond
June 4-6, 2021; Online & Hirosaki, Aomori, Japan
Web: https://jaltcall2021.eventzil.la
TESOL/JALT Symposium on Mind, Brain, and Language Education
June 18, 2021; Kyoto, Japan
Web: https://www.tesol.org/events-landing-page/2021/06/19/default-calendar/te...
September 2021
The 67th TEFLIN International Conference
English Language Teaching and Learning Beyond the Border: Humanity, Innovation, Technology, and Communication
September 10-12, 2021; Padang, Indonesia
Web: https://www.teflin.org/
November 2021
November 12-14: ETA-ROC 2021: 30th International Symposium on English Language Teaching & PAC
Positioning the Issue of Linguistic Power of English: EMI, English Immersion, World Englishes, Internationalization in Higher Education, and Information Sharing and English as a Global Language
November 12-14,2021; Taipei, Taiwan
Web: https://eta.org.tw/
JALT 2021: The 47th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition
November 12-15, 2021; Shizuoka City, Shizuoka, Japan
Web: https://jalt.org/main/conference
January 2022
The 41st Thailand TESOL International Virtual Conference
ELT in the Digital Era and Beyond: Innovation, Engagement, and Resilience
January 21-22, 2022; Online
Web: https://www.thailandtesol.org/conferenceid=3&the_41st_thailand_tesol_int...
June 2022
Exploring the Intersection of Games and Technology in Language Education
June 17-19, 2022; Online & Kyoto, Japan
Web: https://jaltcall2022.edzil.la/
ㅡ International Partners ㅡ
February 2022
The 18th Annual CamTESOL Virtual Conference on English Language Teaching
Changing Approaches and Expanding Dimensions in Global ELT
February 18-20, 2022; Virtual (Cambodia)
Web: https://camtesol.org/Camtesol/2022%20Conference
ㅡ Domestic Partners ㅡ
Korea TESOL is a founding member of PAC: The Pan-Asian Consortium of Language Teaching Societies. PAC now includes JALT (Japan), ThaiTESOL (Thailand), ETA-ROC (Taiwan), FEELTA (Far Eastern Russia), and PALT (Philippines), as well as Korea TESOL.